
Cross-platform promotion simplified

Looking to bring users from your ad to product? Lets identify how they'll get there.

cross-platform promotion simplified

Whether you’re a publisher or an advertiser, you’re working to market something to your user.

It might be a flashy new feature on your website for publishers, or getting the word out about a new indie studio development for advertisers. Before you begin your quest to catch users and bring them to your product, it’s important to understand where they exist and how you can reach them.

The commonalities between these two simple facts hold the key to creating great cross-platform promotion for your product.

Finding your users

Identify where your users congregate early on. It should be done in tandem with efforts on getting to know your ideal audience or buyer. Aside from your product or site, what else are they interested in? Roughly what age range are they? Where are they from? By creating a composite picture of your user, you’ll be able to pinpoint them among different social media platforms and IRL locations.

When it comes to advertising, online ads are a great and can, dependent on platform be an inexpensive option to start to get the word out about your product. While it might be instinctual to start by casting a wide net, your advertising efforts will serve you better if you start small. Today, more consumers trust word of mouth than any advertisement they see, which means if you can get people talking about your site or product, their word is as good as gold when it comes to advertising.

Don’t have the cash to shell out on online advertisements? Work on your social media accounts. Outside of your homepage on search engines, social media is the next natural place for users to find out information about your product or site. Select social media channels that are relevant to your site or product. Instagram is excellent for physical product photos but may not be the best place for a start-up site. Reddit is always a great option to find devoted fans, categorized by niche through subreddits. Spend some time on subreddits that might be a fit for your product or site, and reach out to users expressing an interest or desire for your site or product.

Creating cross-platform ads

Creating an ad that will serve you across different platforms or channels means you need to adhere to what the channel is amplifying. If you’re advertising on YouTube, you don’t want to have a clunky text scroll with a voiceover. You want engaging video, maybe an on-cam client testimonial, a walkthrough of the features your site or product offers. Same for Instagram: leave the text-heavy stuff for Facebook or Reddit and employ imagery to get your message across.

Though the channel and method might differ, your message should stay the same. You’re looking to reinforce your product here, so keep the call to action the same. Your branding should be visible from the outset, no matter what platform you’re using to advertise your product. The frequency of ads will help reinforce the user’s idea of your product, and might compel them to click through if your message is strong enough.

Creating compelling advertising for unique brands is something we can help with. Contact us here to see what we can do.